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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

So I'm getting ready for a blog makeover & today I went through old posts to read & see what all I need to work on in my blogging life.  First thing I noticed is that I'm a quitter...I start things and either a) don't follow up or b) quit all together & then I don't follow up.  Then I'm not consistent at all & then my blog is all over the place.  I need to focus.

So, to my readers (the very few that I have) I promise to follow through & stop being a slacker.  I will be more consistent with my writing, and I will try to focus these posts a little more-crafting, cooking, Bible study, and our crazy life. I'm sorry for being the slacker blog of the year!


1 comment :

  1. I totally understand what you are saying! I find myself doing the same thing! I think some times as a mommy life just happens and gets in the way of us sitting to document. I am trying to refocus and get up to speed with my blog life as well, heres to you!


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