The hubs was at the ranch for the weekend to work the cows & check out the deer that were being delivered. He so loves being out there; if he had it his way he'd work full time out there. While he was off being a cowboy, I spent my weekend working, reading, and doing a little shopping.
Rodeo Cook-Off starts on Thursday-probably the highlight of the year here in Houston! We always have too much fun! I'm so excited that my best friend, Abby, will be coming down this year! She came down the first year that I moved to Houston & we went to cook-off together. Then 2 years ago we went & saw Clay Walker in concert before heading to Mexico for Spring Break. This year will be a blast & I can't wait to see her!
But it amazes me how many Houstonians become cowboys and cowgirls, with their 10 gallon hats, around rodeo time. People who think that Katy is out in the country; those who think a hard days work takes place everyday in their office, and roughin' it consists of staying in the Holiday Inn instead of the W, are all dolled up in their Stetson hats, Cinch jeans, pearl snap shirts, and their beautiful exotic skinned boots (which haven't been outta their closets since this time last year). They seem to come out of the woodwork this time of the year. It makes for some wonderful people watching!
So in the spirit of the rodeo, this weekend I headed out on a quest to find me some new black boots, also known as shit kickers where I come from. I love boots, I mean really love them-I have 5 brown pair. This time of the year it also amazes me how busy Cavendar's gets, and this weekend was so exception. I was in there for a good hour or so looking at boots & I found the perfect pair. Here are my new black Nacona boots. I'm normally an Ariat girl, but these Nacona's are pretty comfortable.

I also got Matt a few shirts. I love seeing him all dressed up in his cowboy gear, especially his cowboy hat & those Wranglers!
Today, I got up early to take care of the pups & then Kat & I went to church. We joined Houston's First Baptist a couple of weeks ago. We absolutely love it!
Matt got home around 3:00. Before he left he had requested that I cook my mom's chicken spaghetti, but he said, "Only if it tastes like your mom's." This afternoon I tried to make it, and it was amazing!!! :)
Momma's Chicken Spaghetti
1 roasted chicken taken off bone
3 cloves of chopped garlic
1 chopped onion
4T olive oil
2T buttler
salt & pepper to taste
2T Italian seasoning
2 large cans of mushroom soup
chicken broth
1 block of cream cheese
1 small block of Velvetta
shredded sharp cheddar cheese
cooked spaghetti
Sautee onions in olive oil & butter until translucent; add garlic & let cook for 8 minutes. Add salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Add soup, cream cheese, and Velvetta. Thin with broth. Stir together until all has melted. Once your spaghetti is cooked add it to the sauce and thin out with broth if needed. But into baking dish & top with shredded cheese. Bake at 400 until cheese melts.
I never said it was healthy, but it is so good! We have a ton left over, so we'll have some later this week, but we are going to freeze the rest!
Overall I had a great weekend and I hope you did too!