The belly is growing daily!!! We ate at Roadhouse last night and our waitress was 7 months pregnant and just a little bit bigger than me-very jealous!

It's a Girl!!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Mr. & I went to the Dr. on Monday to find out that the precious little thing growing in my belly is a little girl! Matt couldn't really believe it, but there is no denying it. She is perfect in every way. So, for the very first time....Miss Emma Grace Moore
Sorry the picture is blurry, but trust me she is perfectly beautiful!
Needless to say our house has been crazy since we found out. I have decided that I will keep myself busy during this pregnancy by making her bumper pads for her crib. I really wanted something that's unique with a vintage feel, and you can't find that in any store. The mother--in-law and I went yesterday to pick out fabric. We had a blast and found all of the perfect pieces.
If you know me at all you know I'm not into pink, but we managed to get a few pieces in there. I'm so in love with the purples. Everyone thinks I"m partly crazy because I'm going to piece together 2.5 by 2.5" squares for the bumpers, which is going to take a lot of time, oh but the things parents do for their children!! Here is what it looks like laid out. Hopefully I'll have one side all sewed together this afternoon!
Boy or Girl?!?!?!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Mr. and I have our first sonogram in two weeks!!! We are so excited and can't wait to find out if our little peanut is a boy or girl? Everyone on Matt's side of the family thinks it's a girl; my mom and I think that too, since I've been so sick. Matt, my dad, and aunt are saying a boy. What do you think?
Quilting Madness
Thursday, July 1, 2010
If you read my blog about my summer plans, you'll be glad to know that I am working on my quilt. Aunt Janet has been so gracious to spend two full days teaching me her quilting ways & now we have something that resembles a blanket! It has been so wonderful getting to spend time with her & share life experiences, hear her quilting stories, and see her passion for what she does. Yesterday she taught me how to master the sewing machine, and I'm proud to say that I did most of the quilt myself! We have another few full days of working on it & it'll be done!!! I'm so excited! Here is a picture of what I've gotten done so far, sorry it's blurry. See the Mr. may have gone to Tech, but doesn't his face say that he loves A&M too?!?! I think so!
Would you pay for one? Some people charge $300 plus for one of these quilts, but I'm thinking about making a few dollars on it. Would you pay $150 for a t-shirt quilt with your shirts? They would make a great gift!!!
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