*Sorry that I didn't get this posted on Friday! :(
WOW-I can't tell you how excited and blessed I have been in these first 2 weeks of the Good Morning Girls book study of The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. If you are a mom and haven't started, do it this week! You will NOT regret it!
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."- Matthew 28:19-20
As I read the introduction to the book this past week I had a revelation....
I remember when I was 15 being at a youth conference in Fort Worth, Texas. Mercy Me hadn't hit it big yet, they were the praise and worship band for the event (about 12 years ago). Anyways, I remember at the end of the weekend I heard God speaking to me. He wanted me in the ministry...where? I didn't know....how? I had no clue...but I said yes.
Now if you remember from my post last week, I did my own thing when I went off to college, but I never forgot that moment. So here I am a 27 year old mom doing this book study, and it hits me smack in the face-my ministry is to my children.
Before I was pregnant I knew that I would raise my children in a Christian home, teaching them about God, how to pray, taking them to church, but I never before thought of it as a ministry. But as I read the introduction to the book and the scriptures for the week, my perspective of motherhood totally changed. The ministry of motherhood is so much more than just teaching them about God, but showing them by your actions, words, etc about His grace, His love, His mercy, and how they can have a real relationship with him. I'm suppose to be equipping them with the tools, so that they can be disciples of the Lord.
WOW-what an important role for all mothers. Motherhood is a MINISTRY! It is my prayer that God transforms my heart to be more like His, so I can show my children His love, grace, mercy through my thoughts, words, and actions. Living so others and my children see Christ in me.

Ministry of Motherhood Book Club-Week 1
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Earlier this week I ran across the Good Morning Girls blog, and I am so thankful that I stumbled upon it, as we are getting ready to do our Parent Commitment at church. What a great way to prepare my mind, heart, and focus on the task at hand. The wonderful women from GoodMorningGirls.Org have started a Summer Book Club, reading "The Ministry of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson. I was a week behind since I started this week, but I have caught up, and I have to say that I have been so blessed in this first week. Everyday we spend sometime in The Word reading specific verses and reflecting on them. And this week we read the introduction to the book. I'm already hooked and so excited to see what God has in store for the next 12 weeks. Each week I plan on posting my reflections for the week.
Since I missed last week here is last weeks verses that really spoke to me....
"My son, keep your father's commands and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep they will watch over you; when you wake, they will speak to you."
- Proverbs 6:20-22
These verses really hit home with me. My father didn't attend church with my mother, brother, and I until I was in junior high. My mother was the first to teach me about God and His amazing love. She made sure that my brother and I were in church every time the doors opened. She worked so hard in her life to be an example of God's love and grace. Then once my dad became a Christian church became a family affair. My parent's were always so supportive of me. They taught me to have compassion for others, and never be afraid to stand up for what I believe in. I am so blessed to have such amazing parents. As I matured in my faith and began a real relationship with Christ they stood behind me, encouraged me, and prayed for me. But after high school graduation I went my own way. I turned away from God, and did things that pleased me instead of him. I never doubted his love or salvation, or forgot all of those things that my parents taught me, I chose to do things my way instead of his. You can say I took a break from God. But thank God he never took a break from me. After 5 years of doing things my way, I decided to turn back to him. And as I have entered into a new season of my life as a wife and mother I see how important it is for me to teach my precious daughter about the amazing God I serve. It is my greatest responsibility. There isn't a doubt in my mind that if my mother hadn't taught me about Him and made sure I was in church every time the doors opened, I'd be living a life apart from him. And my daughter would never get to know Christ and His amazing grace, love, and faithfulness.
It is my prayer that I am a visible representation of a (physically) invisible God to my husband, daughter, and all those around me. I pray for strength, patience, and focus as we journey through the Bible and this book study. And I pray for all of the other mother's who are doing this book study as well; I pray that God opens the eyes of all of our hearts and teaches us how to be the mother's he designed us to be.
Interested in being apart of the book study? Jump on over to the Good Morning Girls blog and get started!
Kitchen Remodel Pics...
Friday, May 6, 2011
After 2 full weeks of renovations we are finally wrapping up (cabinet hardware being put on today and new dishwasher is being installed on Wednesday)!!! YAY!!! I'm so in love! Who would have thought that knocking down 4 cabinets and adding some recess lighting could make such a difference, then there is new granite and backsplash!
Check out our progress.....
Check out our progress.....
Before (again, not my decor)
Pot rack gone & recess lighting in.
Before...Bar with cabinets
Demo...cabinets gone! :)
Bar without pendants
Pendants Installed
Sink before....
Before-view from office
Next week I will post final pictures with the new dishwasher, hardware, and all my stuff back up! Did I mention that I'm in love with this new kitchen?!?!?!
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