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Friday, June 27, 2014

5 years ago today my daddy walked me down the aisle to the most incredible man.  

We said, "I do." 

And the last 5 years have been the hardest, most amazing years of my life.    
Matthew--I never knew how much my life would change for the better.  You inspire me, push me, annoy me & love me better than anyone.  I'm so thankful that I get to do life with you.  

This year our anniversary is very bittersweet.  June 27, 1959 another couple was married, my grandparents.  Their love for one another was like none I had ever seen.  Growing up I admired them & knew one day I would find someone to love like they love.  We were so honored that they allowed us to marry on their 50th wedding anniversary.  

And I loved this moment in our wedding.  They stood with us & prayed over our marriage. 

And we celebrated them at the reception.  

This past February, my Paw Paw went home to be with the Lord. It's my Maw Maw's first year without him in 55 years.  We will continue to celebrate their love & marriage for years to come.  I only hope & pray that we are the kind of example of love & marriage that they were to me for our children & grandchildren.  

I know my Maw Maw can't wait to stroll over heaven with Paw Paw one day.  What an incredible legacy you have left us.  


Monday, June 23, 2014

Remember this post?  The one where I dreamed. Longed for the country?  It's funny how things work out.  Actually it's amazing how God hears our prayers, knows our heart & in His timing provides us with what we need.

 I'm so excited to say that we've bought a the country!!!

5 acres, tucked back in a small little neighborhood.  It's more than I ever could have imagined.  And the best part----we are doing some renovations on it.  I'm not an interior designer, but I have a heart for it.  I really wished A&M had a degree option for interior design, but that wasn't the case.  So I'm getting to do what I love to do & design this house & make it our home. Sigh!

We are smack in the middle of renovations & life is insane to say the least, but we are thankful.  So very thankful for this next journey in our new home.

Monday Monday

Monday, April 14, 2014

Evan Nicole Designs

Can I get an AMEN?? Teething one year old, a to do list that's a mile long & my brain wouldn't shut off last night.  One cup of coffee down, me & the man upstairs have had our first meeting of the morning & I'm sure there will be many more of those throughout the day. First load of laundry is in the wash, meal planning is done & now moving on to my grocery list.  I've got 30 minutes until the kids wake up....think I'll have a few more cups of coffee. 

Happy Monday!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I had always known losing him would be hard, but never imagined this.  Last Saturday I got a call that my paw paw had passed away.  It was so unexpected.  He had been sick with a really bad cough, went to the hospital to find out he had congestive heart failure.  The meds were working, things were looking good & they were planning for him to return home--guess God had other plans because He called him home early Saturday morning.  Thankfully my mom & Maw Maw were there to tell him goodbye.

My heart still aches & I'm not sure it will ever fully recover.  You see, Paw wasn't a grandparent that only showed up during the holidays, nope, he was always there.  Him & Maw Maw were at every event, every activity.  My brother & I spent more weekends there than we probably did our own house. We spent every Sunday after church at their house & after lunch we'd go to the Stop & Shop to get ice cream.  In college, I got a letter almost every week from them with a little money in it.  He would build anything for me---all of my furniture for college, some pieces in my home now.

He was always so proud of us.  When I got accepted to A&M, he immediately became the biggest Aggie fan & sported an Aggie Grandparent sign on his pick-up.  He was so proud when I graduated & became a teacher.  Even though I moved 4 hours away to Houston, they'd manage to call almost every week & listen to all my stories.  And when I met Matt, he was the first to tell me that he loved him & he knew that I did too.  He was so honored when I asked him if they minded if we were married on their 50th wedding anniversary, but I was the one who was honored. I'd always admired their relationship & always prayed I'd find a love like theirs (and I did).  And he was there the day I brought Emma home from the hospital.

He taught me so much in his life---more than I ever realized growing up.  First was a love for country music...the real stuff-George Jones & Merle Haggard.  He taught me about service & discipleship.  He taught me how to not be so serious & to live in the moment. He taught me what real friendships were & to hold on tight to them.....selflessness, patience, kindness, simplicity.....  Oh & there is so much more.  I could seriously write for hours about how special he was.

Today would have been his 75th birthday.  I miss him.  Lots of tears have been shed. I grieve for my mom, my maw maw, but mostly for my children.  I'm so glad he was able to meet them & hold them & love on them, but I wish they could experience & know the Paw I knew.  I know today will be one of the best birthdays he has ever had, so I won't cry because I know he is celebrating with his Maker. And I love the promise that I know one day when I'm called home he will be there waiting for me & welcoming me into those pearly gates.   I seriously can't wait yall!

I swear I can still hear him singing At the Roll Call, Heaven's Jubilee, Amazing Grace & all those country classics.  I don't want to lose that, so I keep singing them, it helps keep his memory alive.

 Happy birthday, Paw.  I wish I could hug your neck & eat Blue Bell Cookies & Cream with you tonight.  Thank you for your endless lessons & never ending love.  Your legacy is so sweet!  I love you!

Favorite Things Friday

Friday, February 21, 2014

It's been awhile since I've done a Favorite Things Friday post, what can I say, we've been busy & blogging hasn't been at the forefront.  But I'm back today & totally in love with everything from Grace Grey Designs.  I was introduced to this sweet little company through a Facebook group in our area.  Leslie, the owner, is so sweet & after meeting her once I knew we'd be instant friends.  She created some beautiful jewelry holders for me from my husband's deer antlers.  They are to die for!!!  I'm so in love.  Go check out her FB page, & buy from her!  She is amazingly talented!!!

Grace Grey Designs 

Grace Grey Designs

Grace Grey Designs

Grace Grey Designs

Grace Grey Designs

Grace Grey Designs

Grace Grey Designs

Grace Grey Designs

Grace Grey Designs

Are you drooling yet?  Seriously, hop on over to her FB page & give her some love!!!

Y'all have a great weekend!

Hello 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's here--2014!! A fresh start, new goals, clean slate.  

This year I've got big goals & dreams for myself.  Have you heard about The Hands Free Mama? If not, go check out this link.  She is all about living a distraction free life---less technology, less busy & more being present in the moment & not behind her computer or phone.  Her blog is amazing!  I'm joining her on being hands free.  This year I will be putting down my phone, saying no to excess distractions & focusing on what truly matters---my family, my friends, & making memories that will last.  One day at a time….today, I'm deleting Facebook from my phone. I already feel a little more free. I think being more Hands Free & less distracted I will be more patient, more focused, more thankful & just a better me.  

I also have big goals career wise.  Yes, I'm a SAHM, but I also joined Rodan + Fields Dermatologist as a consultant a few months ago.  The past few months have been amazing with this company.  I've learned a lot, made some incredible friendships & a little extra cash all while staying at home with my sweet babies & working only 8-10 hours per week.  This year, I want to grow my business, add some business partners & earn enough money to be able to give back.  This business is also helping me start a new little project that I can't wait to share with you all!!! EEEKKK--so fun, so exciting & so me!! Are you looking to earn a little more money this year--pay off debt, save for your dream house, start a college fund for your kiddos, or just have some extra spending money?  I'd love to chat with you about how R+F can help you do that!  Check out my website at & email me at 

I also have the usual goals :
being healthier---eating right & working out 3 days a week.  
being more organized. 
more consistent blogging.
take more pictures!

What are your goals for this year??? Happy New Year y'all!!! 

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