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"It's the Country that Saves Me"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Five days until Spring Break! Can you say hallelujah!?!?!  I have never been more in need of this break, especially after last week...TAKS testing, 4 nights working with dance team until 7:00, taking 124 seventh graders on a field trip, and then spending all day Saturday at competition...just reading it makes me tired.  I never want to live that week again.  The week ended on a good note-after spending numerous nights with the dance team getting ready for competition, they were awarded Grand Champions at the Showtime competition on Saturday night.

Today, I spent most of my day recovering from the week.  Laundry is done, the house is clean, and I've organized inventory for The Barn Door.  Matt & I fried up some backstrap tonight & dang, was it good!  

I am so looking forward to getting through this week!  Saturday Matt & I are planning on heading to Crandall for a couple of days.  I can't wait to see my family & spend a few days out in the country.  I love going home-my momma's home cooking, listening to my daddy's crazy stories, sittin' on my maw & paw's back porch drinkin' her famous sweet tea, and hanging out with all the crazy Cousins, oh & did I mention miles & miles of nothing?!?!  It will be the highlight of my month!

The rest of Spring Break I plan on getting a few projects done around the house & getting ready for The Barn Door Sneak Peek Show on Saturday, March 20th!  Do you have any plans for the break???

A few pictures of home!

Momma, the best woman I know.  Do we look alike?

Daddy & Grant-The driving forces of CVFD! 

I hope you and yours had a wonderful weekend & pray that the good Lord blesses you this week! 


  1. Rest & relaxation... This has been a crazy school year!

  2. Sounds like you DO need a spring break!!

  3. Ashley-Yes it has been crazy to say the least! I hope you have a great one!

    Elizabeth- I just checked out your blog & love it! I actually posted a comment to your entry about starting your own business & in need of a cute blog design without breaking the bank! I hope it helps!

    Yall both have a wonderful rest of the week!


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