Five weeks ago our world, this pregnancy, was thrown a curve ball. I tested positive for being exposed to the chicken pox, but I'm not immune to the virus. (Yes, I know, I'm one of those rare people that never had the pox as a kid). I've even had the vaccination for chicken pox before we were pregnant with Emma, but apparently it didn't do it's job. So when the doctor called us a little over a month ago to tell us that we needed to visit with a Maternal & Fetal Medicine specialist our little world fell apart. I immediately went & did some research on the internet to find out how the chicken pox virus would effect our baby. And of course, I found the worst case scenario... congenital varicella syndrome (CVS), which could cause severe deformations.
During the next couple of days as we waited to visit with the specialist I learned to fully lean on God. I know His hand was on our family & this baby since it was conceived & I continued to pray for His protection.
After meeting with the specialist, we learned that there was only a 2% chance that this virus, if I got it, would affect the baby. We felt a little better, but that slight chance still left us uneasy. We had to wait until 16 weeks to have an early sonogram to check for signs of the virus in the womb. Waiting those 4 weeks weren't the easiest, and I'm so thankful for our prayer warriors, who I called out to & they lifted our family & this sweet baby up in prayers.
Week 16 came & we are so pleased to say that there is no sign of the virus present. The baby looks perfectly healthy. The doctors are all very optimistic. We will go back at 20 weeks for another sonogram to double check on the baby & make sure nothing has developed, but we are all feeling more confident.
We cannot thank our prayer warriors enough for your prayers. We cannot give God enough praise for this wonderful report. We know that He is in control & that we are in His hands. This baby is His & He loves it more than I do (although that is really hard to imagine b/c I love it so much already)!
Here HE is.......Baby Boy Moore!!!
Ashley that is wonderful news. I am sure those 4 weeks were a very trying and emotional time for you family. I am so happy for you. You are right God does protect us no matter what!