Another exciting weekend in the Moore household-I had Friday off, so I worked around the house cleaning, laundry, and organizing. We are in the process of getting everything ready for Baby Moore, so I cleaned out 2 closets worth of stuff & organized. While cleaning out one of our closets I stumbled across a couple of boxes of pictures...middle school pictures....WOW! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. After spending about 2 hours actually looking at all the pictures I finally decided to box them up & put them away. This was also my first day without any type of morning sickness!!! It was splendid!!! Saturday was pretty much of the same thing. Matt FINALLY orgnanized all of his hunting gear & it's boxed up and is awaiting Oct. 1st, when bow season opens. So the nursery is completely cleared out and is a blank canvas for us to work with for Baby Moore. I thought I was having another perfect day with no sickness, but around 8:00pm it hit & it hit hard!!! I'm ready for week 13 to come around, so I can have some relief! We missed church on Sunday, because...yep, you guessed it, I was sick again. Once my nausea finally passed Matt & I worked on clearing out the garage and getting it all organized! I took a break from all the hard work & hit up the pool! Goodness it was a hot one on Sunday. I actually stayed out for a couple of hours and got a little suntan.
The weekend ended & now I have one full week left of my teaching career!!! WOOOHOOO! We are reviewing for finals & my kids take their test on Friday! Thursday we will celebrate Matt's 26th birthday!!!! I'm so glad because I'm sick of hearing him call me old. We have 6 months of being the same age & then I grow a year closer to 30!
We are heading to the lake for Memorial Day weekend-my parents are coming into town. It should be a blast to have both of our families together!!! Lots of beer (water for me), sun, wakeboarding, and relaxation for us, hopefully we can get a little fishing in too!
Hope you all have a fantastic week!
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